Cybersecurity articles

A list of all our IT business support articles under the category of Cybersecurity.

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Enhance Your Digital Defenses: Expert Guidance on Microsoft Security Copilot and More

In the ever-changing world of cybersecurity, organisations face daunting challenges. They must process enormous volumes of data while ensuring rapid and effective incident responses. The complexities of maintaining an organisation's security posture add to these challenges, making the need for a solution like Microsoft Security Copilot, all the more critical. Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot—a groundbreaking, AI-driven security solution unlike any other. This tool offers personalised insights, equipping your team to strengthen your network. It integrates ...

Building Cyber Resilience: Schedule Your Cybersecurity Assessment Now

Cybersecurity undergoes continuous transformations, presenting new challenges and opportunities each year. As we step into 2024, it becomes imperative for organisations to stay informed about the prevailing and upcoming cyber threats. Businesses, irrespective of their size and industry, should strategise accordingly. Remaining proactive is crucial for the protection of digital assets. The cybersecurity landscape is on the brink of notable changes, propelled by emerging technologies, evolving threats, and shifts in global dynamics. In the following ...

Navigating the Hazards: A Deep Dive into the Risks of Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are now as ubiquitous as mobile apps, with users often downloading numerous but only utilising a fraction. Google Chrome hosts over 176,000 browser extensions, offering users additional functionalities and customisation choices. Although these extensions enhance the browsing experience, they come with inherent dangers that can pose substantial risks to online security and privacy. This article delves into the perils linked to browser extensions, unveiling potential threats and offering insights into safeguarding your online ...

Upgrade Your Defenses: Embracing AI for a Resilient Cybersecurity Future

A constant stream of digital innovations has shaped our landscape in recent years. The interplay between AI and cybersecurity has become crucial, particularly in protecting valuable information and digital assets. As cyber threats grow more intricate, AI stands out as a powerful ally. It equips organisations with sophisticated tools and techniques to proactively combat evolving malicious activities. This exploration takes a deep dive into the latest AI trends. These trends reshape the cybersecurity landscape and ...

Preventing Breaches: The Power of a Cybersecurity Checkup for Your Business

In today's digital era, data is like the heartbeat of businesses—keeping operations, decisions, and customer interactions pumping. Yet, lurking in the shadows of this data-centric world is the constant menace of data breaches. The fallout from a data breach goes beyond the initial hit. It tends to linger, casting a shadow over businesses for years. Surprisingly, just over half of the costs hit in the first year (51%), leaving the other 49% to unfold in ...

Secure Your Smart Home: Let’s Chat About a Security Check

The incorporation of smart home devices has seamlessly blended into contemporary living, providing convenience, efficiency, and connectivity at our disposal. However, a recent investigation has brought attention to the potential drawbacks of these intelligent gadgets, hinting at the possibility that they might infringe on our privacy. While it has become commonplace to welcome these devices into our homes, examining their privacy implications is crucial. In this discussion, we will explore the potential surveillance risks associated ...

Defending Your Business: Insights into the Surge of Cyber Threats in 2023

The ongoing battle against cyber threats has reached a critical juncture in 2023. Last year we witnessed an unprecedented surge in data breaches, reaching an all-time high in the US. The numbers for the first nine months of 2023, indicate a trajectory that will likely surpass previous records. In 2021, a record was set with 1,862 organisations reporting data compromises. Shockingly, by September 2023, this number had already exceeded 2,100. During Q3 of 2023, notable ...

Unveiling Vulnerabilities: Why Your Business Needs a Cybersecurity Assessment

Highlighting the significance of cybersecurity becomes increasingly critical in today's digitally-driven era. As businesses rely heavily on technology for their operations, the threat of cyber attacks looms larger. Statistics indicate that 66% of small businesses express concern about cybersecurity risks, with 47% lacking the knowledge to defend themselves adequately. This exposes them to the potential high costs associated with a cyber attack. While the imperative for protection is evident, conveying the tangible value of cybersecurity ...

Cybersecurity in 2024: Assess, Adapt, and Defend

Last year, we witnessed a global surge in the cost of a data breach, reaching $4.45 million, reflecting a 15% increase over three years. As we enter 2024, we must stay vigilant against emerging technology threats that can disrupt and harm businesses. Technology's swift evolution presents opportunities and challenges for individuals and businesses. However, not all technological advancements are benign; some innovations threaten digital security, privacy, and safety. This article aims to shed light on ...
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The Best Customer Service for an IT Provider

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you got a good break in before the 2024 work year begins. I hope you weren’t hoping for too much sun, as it’s only felt like summer in patches. Our 2023 year finished with a few games of Darts down at Oche on Elizabeth St before heading up to Gingerboy for a banquet for the ages. Earlier in the month, we had our first photo shoot with the team. ...